Psalm 23: Life Changing Insights


Out of all the millions of songs that have been composed, why is Psalm 23 the most well known and loved? This book gives insights, taken from the wisdom and experience of a Psalm written 3000 years ago, for today that is right up to date and relevant for living in the 21st century that can change your life.


Out of all the millions of songs that have been composed, why is Psalm 23 the most well known and loved?

Why are we still singing it more than 3000 years after it was first written? How many songs last 30 years let alone three millennia?

This book gives insights for today that can change your life taken from the wisdom and experience of a Psalm written 3000 years ago.

Sheep are mentioned in the Bible over 500 times, far more than any other animal. They are often used to describe God’s relationship with His people. In the land of Wales where I live we have more than ten million sheep and just three million people. The sheep graze not only in the fields and the hills but sometimes wander through the lanes and on the road side and even into the towns and villages.

As you observe them there a couple of characteristics that become quickly apparent. First, they are not the smartest of animals. When motorists see them by the side of the road the alarm bells begin to ring because these animals have very poor road sense and will happily wander onto the carriageway. The phrase “dumb sheep” is for obvious reasons.

If you have ever been to a circus you probably saw some very clever dogs, elephants and horses, but I guarantee you will never have seen a performing sheep.

Secondly, sheep are not the strongest of animals. Apart from a few rams they don’t make good fighters and are not very able at protecting themselves. If you threaten a lion or a bear they will roar or growl and show you their huge teeth or claws. But if you threaten a sheep they usually run away and when cornered will show you their gums!

Sheep need a good shepherd to thrive and do well and David, who like his father Jesse before him had been a shepherd, knew and understood this. Therefore, when he came to composing a song that expressed God’s love and care for him and His people, David expressed it in the relationship between a good shepherd and his sheep.

  • With Jesus I Have Everything I Need But Without Him I Will Lose Everything I Have
  • We Are to Live and Work From Rest Not To Rest
  • You May Be Right But Are You Righteous?
  • If God is With Us – It Doesn’t Matter Who is Against Us
  • God’s Power to Bless is Infinitely Greater Than The Enemy’s Power to Curse
  • The Best is Still To Come
  • When The Shepherd Becomes a Lamb

Psalm 23 is a portion of scripture that many people will be very familiar with, yet David Holdaway draws fresh revelation and understanding as he perceptively gleans from the familiar and much loved words of King David.