Revival is a Heart Issue


Revival doesn’t begin in the church – it begins in our hearts. We cannot organize revival, but we can set our hearts to receive everything that God desires to give us and do through us. This book will challenge and inspire you to seek God’s presence, power and draw close to Him in seeking His reviving presence.


Revival doesn’t begin in the church – it begins in our hearts. We cannot organize revival, but we can set our hearts to receive everything that God desires to give us and do through us. Jeremiah tells us that when we seek the Lord with all our heart we will find Him, (Jeremiah 29:13).

This seeking is not about us trying to change His mind but about Him changing our hearts and bringing us to a place where we are able to receive all He desires to give and reveal to us. Every move of God’s revival power has come with Him first preparing the hearts of His people to receive it so that they will be ready “in the day of His power” (Psalm 110:3).

Revival doesn’t just come to those who love revival…but to those who passionately love God. There is always the danger of romanticizing and sentimentalizing revival and living in past glories. While we learn from and honour the past we dare not live in it. Neither must we fall into the trap of doing nothing and just waiting for it to happen.

There have been many definitions and descriptions of revival: ‘Revival is God bending down to the dying embers of a fire that is just about to go out, and breathing into it, until it bursts again into flame,’ (Christmas Evans, Welsh Revival Preacher). ‘Revival is when God is so tired of being misrepresented; he shows up to represent himself,’ Leonard Ravenhill, English Revivalist).

This book looks at Revival, but more importantly it will inspire you to seek and hunger after God’s presence which ushers in His reviving and life changing power.